Tatra Mountains from Godziszów [241 km]

Observation place: Godziszów Pierwszy (Roztocze Zachodnie) – 50,773722°N, 22,488722°E, 311 m n.p.m.
Lubelskie Voivodeship, Janów County, Godziszów Municipality – Poland
Maximum distance: 241,1 km – Lodowa Kopa (WGS 84)
Date: 30.01.2024
Author: Paweł Kłak
Photographic equipment: Canon 6D + Sigma 150-500 mm and Canon 1300D mod. + 75-300 mm lens + IR 720 nm filter

The Tatra Mountains were photographed from this location for the first time and this is a record for the distance of observation of the Tatras from Poland. More photos and a detailed description can be found on the author’s website dalekiewidoki.pl.
The difficulty of this observation is mainly due to the required atmospheric refraction – the light has to refract through the air stronger than usual to avoid terrain obstacles. Due to the curvature of the Earth, every additional kilometre makes the Tatra Mountains increasingly hidden behind the horizon, so more and more light refraction is needed. Therefore, it will not be easy to beat this record.
Infrared photographs showed the Tatras before they showed up in visible light (photo: Paweł Kłak)
Tatry z Godziszowa na Roztoczu - fot. Paweł Kłak
The Tatra Mountains from Godziszów in visible light. They appeared for a while about 40 minutes after sunset (photo: Paweł Kłak)
Tatry z Godziszowa na Roztoczu - fot. Paweł Kłak
Close-up of the Tatra Mountains with description of the visible peaks (photo: Paweł Kłak)
Tatry z Godziszowa na Roztoczu w podczerwieni (fot. Paweł Kłak)
The Tatras seen in infrared (photo: Paweł Kłak). With this technique, visibility is less limited by air pollution, but it is a range that is invisible to humans without equipment.

According to the measurements and calculations presented at dalekiewidoki.pl the average refraction coefficient on the Godziszów – Lodowy Peak line was approx. 0.235, while the minimum at which this peak becomes visible is 0.22. Normally, it is about 0.13 – 0.14. This was possible due to the radiation inversion of temperature – at dusk, the ground cools down and the near-ground air layer reaches a lower temperature than the air above. With increasing altitude, the density of the air decreased faster, so light was refracted stronger in this layer.

Fragment of the Tatra visibility map for various refraction coefficients

The viewpoint in Godziszów is marked green on the map above, which means that the Tatras should be visible with a refraction coefficient of 0.2. However, the terrain model used in this map does not take into account the forests present in the line of sight, which additionally obstruct the view.

Below is a video taken with a phone during the observation.



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